Complete and utter boredom. That what some students will feel when they sit in class today. They will sneak their phones out and record a few snaps. Perhaps they will “like” and “retweet” a couple of tweets. The Problem Some of the students in our classes today will be bored. We often view engagement as...Read More
As we set up learning in our classrooms, we often plan for it to happen in a nice and clean experience for our students. I’m reminded that learning is messy. Today, I observed students take part in some amazing learning experiences and the learning didn’t come easily to these students. I am encouraged by the...Read More
Every student deserves access to curriculum and instruction that is consistent and effective. I often ask teachers on my campus to reflect on their implementation of effective instructional practices. Doing so requires a certain level of vulnerability and discomfort but is essential to ensuring that all students learn. Asking teachers to be vulnerable and take...Read More
Make Learning Stick Everyone needs intervention at various points in their learning journey. We often expect students to master learning the first time they are exposed to the content. This thinking is completely flawed because forget that deep learning takes time to stick. As a result, frequent opportunities to refresh previous learning helps to cement...Read More
Students have many choices in the district that I work. They have the option to attend one of our traditional schools or one of our school/programs of choice. This is an interesting phenomenon as I have the chance to speak with parents to get feedback on the process and options that they have as families....Read More
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