
Image Quotes

Image quotes are inspiring. I share some quotes and reflective thoughts that drive me to improve as a man and as a leader.  I hope some of these pieces resonate with you. Feel free to share them via any social media platform. Tag me in the post and I’ll be sure to engage with you and your followers!

As we set up learning in our classrooms, we often plan for it to happen in a nice and clean experience for our students. I’m reminded that learning is messy. Today, I observed students take part in some amazing learning experiences and the learning didn’t come easily to these students. I am encouraged by the...
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Instructional Coaching Leads to Skill Transfer The best way to change behavior in schools is to provide consistent coaching and accountability check-ins.  Teachers often attend professional development sessions during the year and over the summer only to fail to take action on the learning derived from these sessions. By providing ongoing coaching and support, professional development...
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Make Learning Stick Everyone needs intervention at various points in their learning journey. We often expect students to master learning the first time they are exposed to the content. This thinking is completely flawed because forget that deep learning takes time to stick.  As a result, frequent opportunities to refresh previous learning helps to cement...
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Whenever educators visit our school to tour, we end the tour with a learner experience conversation detailing what we want students to experience. The conversation almost always leads to risk-taking and growth mindset.  We discuss how we model risk-taking for students as teachers and campus leaders.  This is not the fun and safe activity that you did earlier...
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As we begin a new year, everyone is talking about resolutions.  For educators, we are in the middle of the year.  This is the time that we refocus and shift our mindsets as we enter the “accountability season”.  When I think of resolutions I’m reminded of Jon Gordon and The Power of One Word.  My...
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