As we begin a new year, everyone is talking about resolutions. For educators, we are in the middle of the year. This is the time that we refocus and shift our mindsets as we enter the “accountability season”. When I think of resolutions I’m reminded of Jon Gordon and The Power of One Word. My one word for this year is to ENGAGE. Engage. If you don’t, you may miss greatness around you.
“Center yourself around people and not tasks.”
Many times teachers walk into my office just to ask a quick question and I can’t help but pick up my phone when it dings in the middle of the conversation. Often, the message is one that I can get to any time and not an urgent one. One day I realized that I was engaged with my phone but not with the person actually in the room with me. Realizing this deeply troubled me so I decided to change the way that I interact with people. I decided to work on engaging with the people I have conversations with and not allow myself to be distracted. This is easier said than done. My plan is to recruit an accountability partner that will hold me accountable to my commitment to focus on people and not my phone.
How will you focus on engaging with those around you?